Interval Mnemonics

List of Intervals

(developed by Marty

Unison: MY COUN-try 'tis of thee/GOOD-BYE my coney island baby


m2: YOU MUST remember this ("As Time Goes By")/I LEFT my heart in San Francisco/ Theme from the movie "JAWS"

M2: DOE, A deer/hap-PY BIRTH-day to you/OH THE sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home/ PEO-PLE who need people...

m3: A-LAS my love you do me wrong ("Greensleeves")/WHY DO birds ("Close to You")/ TO DREAM the impossible dream...

M3: "Blue Danube Waltz", CAM-E-lot/FROM THE halls of Montezuma/HAVE YOUR-self a very merry Christmas...

P4: HERE COMES the bride/ THE EYES of Texas/ DAY's DONE ("Taps")/ A-MAZ-ing Grace... Sa-YUZ nerushimyi (beginning of USS National Anthem - for those who recall)

Tritone: MAR-I-a/ BOY BOY crazy boy ("West Side Story")...

P5: Theme from '2001'/ Bass-Bari standard tune-up/ HEY THERE Georgie Girl/ YO-EE-oh ("Wizard of Oz")

m6: FOR PA-pa make him a scholar ("Matchmaker" from "Fiddler On The Roof")

M6: MY WILD irish rose/N-B-c (chimes)/DASH-ING through the snow/ MY BON-nie lies over the ocean...

m7: THERE'S A place for us ("West Side Story"/ Theme from 'Star Trek'

M7: BAL (li) HIGH ("South Pacific")

Octave: BAL-LI high/ WHEN YOU wish upon a star/ SOME-WHERE over the rainbow...


m2: DOE-TEA la so (descending scale)/ MEOW-MEOW (commercial for cat food/SHALL WE dance? ("King & I")/ BEAU-TI-ful Dreamer

M2: SWEET AD-eline/WHIS-TLE while you work/ MA-RY had a little lamb/ THREE BLIND mice...

m3: OH, OH say can you see/ I, I wish I was in the land of cotton/ LOOK AT me ("Misty")...

M3: SWING LOW, sweet chariot/ GOOD NIGHT ladies/ SUM-MER-time and the living is easy...

P4: BORN FREE/ HUT TWO, three, four/ MY GIRL, talking 'bout my girl/ SHAVE AND a haircut/ I'VE BEEN working on the railroad...

Tritone: European police siren/ DEAR KIND-ly Sargeant Krupke (West Side Story)

P5: FEEL-INGS/ THIS LAND is mine ("Exodus")...

m6: WHERE DO I begin...("Love Story")

M6: NO-BO-dy knows the trouble I've seen/ OV-ER there/ SCHOOL DAYS, school

m7: Opening notes of "An American in Paris"/DOE, A deer (lead note then
bass picks up melody an octave lower)

M7: <see ascending minor 2nd tunes; first note by lead, 2nd note by bass
one octave lower>

Octave: WIL-LOW weep for me/ YOU ARE my lucky star/ standard lead-bass tune-up


Perfect unison: C to C
Minor 2nd: (up) C to C#; (down) C to B
Major 2nd: (up) C to D; (down) C to Bb
Minor 3rd: (up) C to Eb; (down) C to A
Major 3rd: (up) C to E; (down) C to Ab
Perfect 4th: (up) C to F; (down) C to G
Tritone: (up) C to F#; (down) C to Gb
Perfect 5th: (up) C to G; (down) C to F
Minor 6th: (up) C to Ab; (down) C to E
Major 6th: (up) C to A; (down) C to Eb
Minor (Barbershop) 7th: (up) C to Bb; (down) C to D
Major 7th: (up) C to B; (down) C to C#
Perfect Octave (up) C to C; (down) C to C
Note: These are interval names, not chord nameĀ